Welcome to the Member-site of the JPS
This is the place for membership renewal, and for registration and submission for conferences of the Jean Piaget Society.
This sub-site was launched together with the new main site on December 21, 2020 to fulfill the promise to the JPS community to provide better membership information.
On this sub-site you, as member, can, after login, find several registration forms with online payment options, submission forms, a history of your registrations and payments, and members only resources.
Account registration
Account registration is free and remains valid as long as you like. Making an account is distinct from becoming a member, because for some activities you must first become a member, but for others that is not obligatory. After creating an account, you will receive an email confirmation with a listing of all info on this form. The menu item “Create Account” disappears after logging in.
Log in
After making an account you are not automatically logged in (for safety reasons). But you can immediately log in with your self chosen password (please be sure to remember it) and you don’t have to wait for the email confirmation (but you will get one). Once you are logged in, you never have to type in information that you have already provided; all new forms will be automatically pre-populated with that information. If you do not remember your password, no problem, you can do the lost password procedure. Never make a new account; mail to member@Piaget.org in case of persistent problems!
In the profile form, you can enter your affiliation and street address information. Street address information might be needed for reimbursements for some universities, and is needed for receiving the journal. After submitting the form, the button Submit will change to Update. All information in this Profile form can always be updated.
Membership Registration
Becoming a member requires payment of your membership dues for a given year. Membership is valid to the end of the calendar year. On the form your Profile information is pre-filled (click on the arrow). Be sure to have provided your address on Profile, because without that you can not submit the membership form. After the payment was successful, you will see a green success message on screen, and under my-History you can see a summary of all your registration information, in addition you will receive two emails: one with an overview, and an email send by our payment handler. Also, the button Submit you just clicked will change to Update.
How to pay?
Credit Card
We use Stripe to handle Credit Card payments. You only have to enter your credit card information, that is all.
After a successful payment, your Membership Status will change to Completed and your User Role will switch to “member24” (or “member25”, etc.), unleashing new possibilities, such as Conference 2025 registration. Also, the button Submit you just clicked will change to Update.
How do I know my payment was successful? First, you will see a green success message on your screen immediately after submitting the form, and under My-History (top menu) you can see a summary of your memberships and registrations, including your own address address, and including a downloadable pdf receipt or invoice. An invoice might be important for reimbursements from your employer. Next, you will receive two emails: one with a receipt for the credit card payment, and one with an overview of all information. You can not go back to the form, because you are not allowed to change your payment. In case of problems contact the webmaster.
Failed Payments
If you have clicked on Submit but your payment was cancelled, did not go through, or if there were card issues, your status will continue to be indicated as “waiting” and you will receive no emails. You can check if your status is “completed” or “waiting” on the My-History page or in the form you were submitting, but be patient.
However, if your status does not change to completed within 15 minutes, your entry will be automatically deleted. Once you receive an email message that your entry has been deleted, you can try again.
A new membership form allows you to pay for the next year: member2024, etc..
This form will have all information copied from earlier, so, you typically only have to type in your credit card information (we don’t store that) and submit. We decided not to charge you automatically (consumer protection), so you need to do this each year, but we made it very user friendly to do this. Since recently STRIPE might offer to store your Credit Card info, but we do not.
The form will be closed immediately after successful payment. But all important info is visible always in My-History.
Reduced Membership Fees
Residents of the countries listed below are eligible for a 50% reduction in fees (based on World Bank categories for lending eligibility).
Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kyrgyz Republic, Lao, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Samoa, Senegal, Serbia & Montenegro, Sierra Leone, Slovak Republic, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
No membership required?
In some cases e.g. because you are an honorary member, an invited plenary speaker, or helper, your membership fee can be waived. Please note that you have to go through all the steps, so, please first make an account, a profile, and register as member (at a proforma fee of 0.5 dollar for technical, administrative, and safety reasons).
Conference Submissions
Proposals need not address the conference theme—we welcome submissions on any topic in developmental science.
You do not have to be a member to be able to submit proposals, but all presenters need to have or make their own account and profile (including presenters in a symposium organized by someone else!).
Of course, in order to participate in the conference, you need to become member for the right year and register in time.
We have three kinds of submissions:
1 The usual options will show in the form if you indicate you want to upload an individual abstract, irrespective of type of contribution: individual paper, individual poster, symposium contribution, or discussion contribution. Also, a reviewer summery might be asked for. There is a word length maximum. You are not allowed to enter more than two such abstracts per person.
2 Different options will show in the form if you indicate that you want to organize a Symposium or Discussion. If you want to organize a Symposium or Discussion, you must bring together a group of presenters, but you need not (and can not) submit their abstracts: they have to that themselves (see 1)!
In this submission you can indicate who are the participating presenters and provide an abstract highlighting the common theme or aim, and -in case of a discussion session- an overall summery for the review process.
All further information for participating presenters will be retrieved from their submissions once you select their email address from a dropdownlist with all contributors. If they have no submission made yet, no problem, just leave the email address empty, the information can be retrieved later on (when they have made an account themselves). In that case, you need to revisit the form after they have done so, to confirm these updates.
3 A disscussant in a symposium is kindly asked to identfy themself. So make an account, a profile, and enter in the submission form, in the field for the abstract a short message with a bio or something or a statement (keep it brief please).
Elaborate instructions appears in the form if a type of presentation is chosen.
Conference Registration
Once you are a member for the right year, you can register (and pay) for the conference. Relevant fields are pre-populated again with your credentials. You only need to make a few simple choices.
The procedure is like the procedure for member registration in other respects. With same kind of email confirmations and a summary on the My-History page.
The form will be closed immediately after successful payment. But all important info is visible always in My-History.
In some special cases, the registration fee can be waived: Choosing the Waived option and supplying the right password, the payment is reduced to a 0.5 dollar pro-forma payment (see membership).
Via the My-History menu, and its submenus, you go to a page you with summaries of your registrations.
If the Submit button does not seem to work, this maybe caused by errors in one of the fields on the form: inspect your form carefully for error messages, in small print, in red, under a field or set of fields. Correct the problem and all will be fine.
If you see no submit button, you most likely have not provided an street address on the profile form.
In case of registration for the conference, the message “You do not have permission to view this form.” means that you are not yet a member.
In case of persistent problems contact the webmaster at member@Piaget.org
© Jan Boom, September, 2024